Saturday 26 November 2011


1. Variety:

We must vary our food; we must eat to avoid any deficiencies.
There are seven major food groups classified according to their nutritional similarities:

- The protein foods such as meat, fish and eggs: animal protein, iron, vitamin B
- Milk and dairy products: animal protein, calcium, vitamin A in the fattest, Vitamin B.
- The grains and starches: slow carbohydrates (starch), vegetable protein, fiber, vitamin B.
- The fruit and vegetables: minerals, vitamin C, carotene and fiber.
- The fats (butter, margarine, oil): fat, vitamins A, D and E.
- The sweets: sugars.
- Drinks: water.

Take regular food in each of these categories is essential if you want to balance your food.

2. Moderation: (moderate what we eat)

  • Eat in reasonable quantities so as not to accumulate unnecessarily burdensome. How do we want our body not to store anything if it manages more than it really needs? It’s mission impossible for it and it's more kilos to us.
  • Try our best to allocate food intake throughout the day by avoiding, for example, eat less in the morning and overeating at night. In such cases, our body tends to store, which may be on our silhouette, and it's not what we want.
  • Finally, divide your plate. For example: make a large place to fish, poultry and grain products like rice, pasta, semolina, dried and fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Try to minimize fat such as French fries, meats, fish and sweet alcohol, confectionery, snacks such as chocolate bars and all kinds of pastries and try to go to fast food occasionally.
  • Eat a high protein dish per day, based on either meat, fish or eggs. This is the first nutritional category for the top.
  • Eat a dairy at every meal, milk, cheese or yogurt.
  • Try to eat at each meal a crudity such as raw vegetables, cheese, salad or a fruit.
  • Eat a dish of cooked vegetables a day, afternoon or evening, alternating in the day with a plate of starches based on our lunch.
  • Eat bread with every meal.
  • Eat salt in moderation; this will reduce the risk of blood pressure problems and heart type ones.
  • Eat a little butter on toast for breakfast and cooked vegetables. Use oil for cooking and seasoning in moderate quantities.
  • Drink a lot of water.
3. Pleasure:

It is important not to neglect this aspect. Try whatever happens to have fun at your table and enjoy the taste of dishes. As our most enjoyable meal we take the time to eat, which is generally very beneficial to our organization.

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